About Dr. Selznick

Dr. Richard Selznick is a psychologist, nationally certified school psychologist, assistant professor of pediatrics, Certified Wilson Language Instructor, and a certified dyslexia consultant.

The Director of the Cooper Learning Center, a Division of the Department of Psychiatry/Cooper University Healthcare located in South Jersey, Dr. Selznick is the author of six books:

You can also find some of this writing in leading magazines and online publications, such as this example from Exceptional Parent Magazine:

A down-to-earth presenter and author who looks to present complex issues in non-jargon terms, Dr. Selznick strives to help parents and educators “get it.” Dr. Selznick has presented to parents and educators internationally, as far as Dubai and Abu Dhabi and throughout the United States. Dr. Selznick has a particular passion and interest for helping parents understand dyslexia and related reading and other learning disorders.

Among the many topics that Dr. Selznick presents, some of the more popular include:

  • “Myths & Realities of Dyslexia”
  • “Dyslexia Screening: Essential Concepts”
  • “Understanding the Shut-Down Learner Formula”
  • “Stages of Reading Development: Signposts That Guide Instruction”
  • “Relationship: The Key Variable in School Struggling”
  • “Why’s Everyone Always Pickin’ On Me?” Myths & Realities of Bullying”
  • “We Keep Telling Him You Have to Get Organized: Executive Function Deficits”
  • “Secrets of Parenting Success”
  • “Regaining Control of the Ship: Help for Frazzled Parents”

Dr. Selznick’s started this website with the release of his first book The Shut-Down Learner. Today, you can find over 600 blog posts and other material such as videos and podcasts covering topics such as dyslexia, ADHD, assessment, special education, challenging children and other topics.

You can follow Dr. Selznick on social media and subscribe to his newsletter below, or contact him any time at shutdownlearner1@gmail.com.