
Dyslexia: Not a Score

A number of years ago, I had the good fortune to take part on a panel during a symposium on dyslexia sponsored by the grassroots parenting group, Decoding Dyslexia: NJ.  Dr. Sally Shaywitz, the author of “Overcoming Dyslexia” was the keynote speaker. While talking...

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Addressing Writing Disability

I am continually struck by the challenges struggling children face when it comes to their writing.  At a very basic level, they have little to no idea what goes into the writing of a sentence, no less a paragraph or a typical three-paragraph essay. For children who...

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Compound Interest Mentality

Change does not come easily for any of us. Think about how deeply ingrained our personalities, habits and proclivities are. Fundamentally, we are who we are. Parents spend a lot of time trying to change children and I sometimes find that their efforts may be a bit too...

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IEPs & 504s: A Brief Primer

Parents frequently ask about 504 Plans and IEP’s. Before getting too far into the weeds, I will respectfully ask the parents if they know the difference between them and what they even are. A majority of the time, I get a half shrug, coupled with a “not really.”...

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Practically every week I hear an array of  concerns regarding distractibility and inattentiveness. There's always the question lurking of, "Does my child have ADHD/ADD?" While talking to parents I try and  broaden the narrative,  reviewing other factors that may be...

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