I wanted to pass this along from my dear friend, Lloyd Stone:
In less than 2 weeks, On Sunday, March 10th, our family will be participating in the Walk for Familial Dysautonomia) in support of our amazing nephew/cousin Gregory Brandt.
FD is a Jewish-Ashkenazi disease; 1 in 27 Ashkenazi Jews are carriers. People with FD do not have proper control of their autonomic nervous system and are unable to control functions — such as breathing, digesting, crying, and swallowing — that the average person takes for granted.
The Familial Dysautonomia Foundation is one very close to my heart as it helps to raise awareness and funds for research of this incurable disease.
I humbly request a bit of your financial support as I will be walking to help raise awareness and funds for research of this incurable disease.
FD is rare but we are hoping that the money we raise at this walk can go a long way in helping those who struggle with the disease. By contributing to research that helps FD, patients obtain improved medical care and increased life expectancy.
If you would like to support my efforts for this great cause, please visit:
Thank you very much for your support.
Mr. LLoyd Stone
(To learn more about FD, visit: http://www.familialdysautonomia.org/)