Georgia is a lively, spontaneous and friendly 10-year- old student entering the fifth grade.  Cognitive testing placed her between the average to above average range for most of the domains assessed.

Spelling and writing were a different story for her.

Here are some of Georgia’s spelling errors and samples of sentences she wrote to a prompt:

  • cook/cooke
  • reach/reche
  • circle/courkel
  • ruin/rowen
  • watch/wauch
  • explain/espan
  •  I whish for my best fierd to live with Me.
  • I whish to get a nother dog.
  • I love to do hoars backrinding camp and playing with firendes.

In this era of increased involvement with artificial intelligence and other technologies, the question I ask relative to spelling and writing samples like Georgia’s is, does it matter?   Does it matter that she can’t spell or barely write a sentence.

It is my sense spelling and writing issues do not seem to be ringing too many bells of concern at the school level.

Perhaps it’s generational.

To a young teacher in their 20’s or so, something like spelling and being able to write sentences may be old school, so yesterday, something that can be easily remedied.

Why spend time on something like spelling when autocorrect is right there?  Why bother worrying about complete sentences, when “Grammarly” is your technology assistant, cleaning up your sentence fragments, run-ons and punctuation.

What’s your opinion?  Does it matter?

(****This post is dedicated to the memory of Stanley Sterenberg, a dear friend and devoted reader (and commenter) to this blog since the first one was written over 12 years ago.  May his memory be a blessing.  You will be missed my friend.)

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