by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Jan 29, 2016 | Dyslexia/Reading & Learning Disabilities
As the landscape of struggling children gets more and more complicated, with parents confused to know where to turn or what to do next, I do my best to simplify things. One area to simplify is the reading remediation your child is receiving. Presuming you have had...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Oct 9, 2015 | Dyslexia/Reading & Learning Disabilities
“It’s getting late early.” Yogi Berra Anxiety over your child’s school-based problems can start fairly early. A mom recently contacted me after reading The Shut-down Learner. “My son is drowning in school. You think he could be a shut-down learner?” When I wrote...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Jul 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Dyslexia screening is a tool for identifying children who may be at risk for dyslexia (reading disability) and for gathering information to assist those children. A dyslexia screening can be performed by a range of educational professionals. Although it might be...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | May 29, 2015 | School/Special Education Misc
Dear School Districts: I know that you are under a lot of pressure these days. There’s tons of regulation coming down the pike – Common Core, Student Growth Initiatives, PARCC and all sorts of other initiatives. I really do try and be understanding. I used to work...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Mar 20, 2015 | Writing Difficulty-Dysgraphia
Directions to Child on Worksheet: Look back and Write: Look back at the question on page 99. Think about the most important events that happened in the story. Now write a response to the question. Be sure to include details from a story to support your answer....