In last week’s post we talked about some of the basics involved with obtaining a 504 Plan (504-ing-part-i/)
This week we move it along to bring some practical realities to you.
Remember that a 504 does not offer any interventions, but accommodations. It is intended to provide equal access to the mainstream to those identified as having a disability . By far, ADHD is the disorder that receives the most 504 plans in school.
Of the things (among many) that raises my IQ (i.e., Irritation Quotient) are the 504 accommodations that seem rubber-stamped or templated.
A classic one of these accommodations is the provision of extra time, which is the top of the list of accommodations typically offered to ADHD children.
To illustrate and expand upon my irritation, let’s look at Carl, an impulsive child who rushes through his work (and practically everything else he does). Diagnosed by his pediatrician with ADHD, the parents took the physician’s prescription with a request for a 504 to the school.
The team met with the parents and set up a 504. Among a few other accommodations was the provision of extra time (i.e., double time) on tests and classroom activities.
Given Carl’s characteristic impulsive style, the last thing Carl needs is extra time.
As Carl blitzes through everything, it’s unclear how double-time helps Carl as he is finishing a typical 15 minute task in under 3 minutes (without checking any of his work).
As you go into your 504 meetings try and have an open and honest conversation (admittedly, not easy to do) regarding your child.
To guide the discussion there should be one central question. That is, “What are the few things that can be done to help the child to function more effectively in the classroom?”
Don’t ask for the “moon, sun and stars.” Be practical and realistic.
Think of 504 accommodations as “swimmies” for children who are unable to swim in the deep end of the pool. They don’t teach the child how to swim, but help the child to get in the game.
Takeaway Point
Keep it simple. Keep asking the central question.
Copyright, 2022
Questions or comments email Dr. Selznick: