With the arrival of newborn Emmett Gaetano Selznick last weekend, an official new chapter begins in our lives.
As I said a while ago, in a previous blog on grandparenting, I’m going to try and do my best to do what grandparents are supposed to do – spoil and “zip it and clip it” (not easy for me).
As loyal readers of this blog know, I do my best to dispense a range of advice for parents anxious about their child’s struggles. ( I reflect on the fact (and chuckle to myself as I write this) that my son unsubscribed to this blog a number of years ago.)
So, let’s raise a collective glass to young Emmett Gaetano and wish him good things. Here’s hoping he doesn’t give his teachers too much stuff, while he gives his father a hefty dose. (Hey, like father like son, no? We certainly got our share in the raising of Emmett’s father!)
In last week’s post which drew on the perspective that for a couple thousand years adults have been shaking their head (I know I have) on the out of control (unruly) nature of childhood (“What’s the Matter With Kids” ).
Loyal reader and friend Stan commented on the post:
“Brilliant set of quote demonstrating the timelessness of the antipathy the older generation always seems to feel toward the youth of the day…Perhaps the elders are simply jealous of the youth , energy, vitality and projected length of their future life. Kudos to the Shut Down-Learner research staff – they deserve lots of credit (and perhaps a raise?) for digging up these oh-so-appropriate quotations!!!”
Well, Stan, since the writing of these blogs is a labor of love, the staff will have to wait for their raise.
In the meantime, we of the older generation will continue looking at the younger generation through a jaundiced eye, especially with their seeming addictions to screens above all other facets of life.
(***Please note: All blogs represent the opinion and perspective of Dr. Richard Selznick. Comments and questions are welcomed, but are blocked by the hosting site. Please email questions or comments: rselznick615@gmail.com)
Copyright, Richard Selznick, Ph.D. 2022, www.shutdownlearner.com.
To Contact Dr. Richard Selznick for advice, consultation or other information, email rselznick615@gmail.com.
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