Sometimes I can feel the twinge coming on.  It usually occurs when I hear the misinformation parents are given from schools or have heard through the grapevine.

Here’s a small sampling of what parents are frequently told regarding dyslexia:

  • “Well, we really don’t know what dyslexia is?” (Ugh, yes we do.)
  • “Only medical doctors can diagnose dyslexia.” (Really? So a neurologist will give a broad array of measures that assesses word identification, reading accuracy and oral reading fluency along with spelling and writing, all of which are necessary to diagnose dyslexia.  I don’t know too many medical doctors doing these tests.)
  • “The only thing in reading that matters is comprehension.” (So, if the child reads “medichan” for “mechanic,” that’s ok as long as they can answer some questions and somehow gets the gist of the story?)
  • “It’s probably all attention – maybe you should see a doctor since we can’t diagnose.” (The unspoken, but clearly delivered message is, “Your child should be on medication and that will take care of it.”  Not sure how that will help the child just mentioned who couldn’t read “mechanic?”)
  • “How can it be dyslexia? He’s not reversing when he reads.?” ( Reversals – Mythology #1)

To cut through a lot of the misinformation and mythologies I would recommend that you visit a few website to help keep you on the “straight and narrow.”

These include:

Then, there is my all-time favorite,, where there are over 500 blog posts, interviews and other such stuff.  (OK, a little self-promotion isn’t going to hurt anyone!)

Takeaway Point

There’s a lot of buzz on the street when it comes to children and their issues.  Be careful with what you are being told as much of it does not hold up with the research and the reality.

Copyright, 2021
Questions or topics email Dr. Selznick.  Not in the South Jersey area? For a free 15 Minute Consultation, contact Dr. Selznick: email –