If you receive this blog you may not know of other ways of staying in touch with “The Shut-Down Learner,” and Dr. Richard Selznick (“Dr. Selz”) updates. Here are a few:
Facebook: Join “The Shut-Down Learner” community page. On this page I post many different links of interest from a variety of sources. Facebook is also a good medium for posting questions and comments. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/DrSelz and click "like" to join.dyslexia
Twitter: On Twitter I "tweet" articles and links, as well as “retweet” people in the field who are posting great information on learning disabilities , ADHD, and school struggling. Go to https://twitter.com/DrSelz to follow and receive daily “tweets.”
Pinterest: Pinterest is a lively place to see updates in a visual medium. Find Richard Selznick by going to http://pinterest.com/shutdownlearner/ and join the fun.
The Coffee Klatch Network: On The Coffee Klatch I am the host of a monthly radio show called, “School Struggles.” Here we talk about a range of topics in very down-to-earth, no nonsense terms. The next episode is 6/3/13 at 8:00 (e.s.t). We will be talking about vision and its relationship to learning problems. All previous episodes are also available http://thecoffeeklatch.com/the-coffee-klatch-team/.
JenningsWire: The World of Success JenningsWire The World of Success http://anniejenningspr.com/jenningswire/ is a great site for all kinds of interest. To find my stuff, go to the “Specialty Tab” and look for “School Struggles.
Linkedin: Linkedin http://linkedin.com is a good place to find other professionals and related groups. Put in my name to become “linked.”
Shut-Down Learner: To receive blogs in your email inbox when they are published and to get any other updates, go to https://shutdownlearner.com
Upcoming Talks: On 6/18 I will be joining a talk on “Preventing the Summer Slide” (good luck) and on 6/25 I will be talking about "Understanding Your Child’s Psychological and Learning Reports." Contact 673 – 4900 for more information and to reserve your spot.