by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Feb 26, 2016 | Dyslexia/Reading & Learning Disabilities
Phonological awareness refers to an individual’s awareness of the phonological structure, or sound structure, of words. Phonological awareness is an important and reliable predictor of later reading ability and has, therefore, been the focus of much research....
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Feb 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
Why Screen for Dyslexia? I continue to be amazed by the amount of misinformation out there on dyslexia related reading disabilities. Over the next few weeks I’m going to try and tackle some of the issues that are involved with screening and assessment. ...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Jan 23, 2015 | Dyslexia/Reading & Learning Disabilities
Hi Gang: A little news and updates: Dyslexia Screening Book Released I’m excited to announce the release of my new book, “Dyslexia Screening: Essential Concepts For Schools and Parents.” In paperback, the book is available through and will soon...