George is a five and a half year old boy. He’s one of those types who’s quite bright, but hasn’t yet learned how to contain his exuberance or spontaneity. For example when George is in his pre-kindergarten class, he has a lot of trouble holding back whenever the teacher has a question. George can’t contain his exuberance and enthusiasm. (Since George was the type of child who religiously watched shows on Animal Planet, he was a storehouse of knowledge that he couldn’t wait to share.)
At home, his older siblings look at him like he is a little bit off. When they watch TV together or play on the Wii, George frequently starts jumping up and down during exciting parts, excitedly flapping his arms. It’s almost like every cell of his body becomes energized by what he watches. These behaviors bother his siblings.
George comes in to see me for an evaluation.
I am charmed by George. He is fun, spontaneous, knowledgeable and exuberant. When I have George put blocks into different patterns, he exclaims, “Wow, Dr. Rich. I like doing these! This is fun!”
I know everyone is going to look at George like he is ADHD when George gets to kindergarten
You may not remember this era, but there was a time when kids like George weren’t considered “disordered.”
They were just exuberant.
Sure their exuberance might get on some people’s nerves and may be a bit hard to contain, but that’s the cost of doing business with children. There will always be Georges in the pack.
For now, George is not disordered in my book. George is five and a half years old and loads of fun.
There will be time enough in life for George to “curb his enthusiasm.”