Lowering Your “Frustration Quotient”
Before getting into this week’s blog, there are two corrections to make from the previous week’s post:
- It was pointed out to me that the correct website for the International Dyslexia Association is www.dyslexiaida.org, not the one originally posted.
- A sincere apology to Cheri Rae author of, “DyslexiaLand: A Field Guide for Parents of Children With Dyslexia ” for the use of the term “DyslexiaLand.” Unbeknownst to me, Cherie had written the book and created the term “DyslexiaLand.” Please be sure and visit her website: www.dyslexialand.com and also get hold of her book. I know I am looking forward to reading it. I am happy to report that Cheri and I have become fast professional friends and look forward to getting to know each other better.
Well, the good news is that a couple of people are reading the blog!!!!
So, let’s roll up our sleeves for the 2022-2023 school year. We’re striving to keep your “FQ” (“Frustration Quotient”) below a five (on a scale of 1-10).
The New School Year
Getting Your Head in the Game
In this world of dyslexia , it’s not easy to get your head in the game, as there are many rabbit holes that you can go down that can be overwhelming and confusing.
A few pointers:
- What do I do with all this paper? Rather than stuffing IEPs (if your child has one), previous reports and all of the other papers, in folders, get an old-school three-ringed binder and set up five sections: School Correspondence, School Evaluations, Outside Evaluations, IEP/504 Plans (assuming there are ones established) and Miscellaneous. In each section put the papers in chronological order.
- Decoding the Code: When it comes to special education, each state’s code is different. Understand your state’s definition of the categories for classification, especially for learning disabilities. For example, New Jersey uses a statistical model of a discrepancy between IQ and achievement to determine a learning disability. This can be frustrating to parents, as many children whose IQ is not high enough are denied services. If you can’t decode the code, seek a professional consultant who can help interpret it for you. (Feel free to email me.)
- Clarify the Confusion: I hear parents say, “My child gets ‘push-in’ or ‘pull-out’ instruction. Seriously, what does that mean? I am less concerned about where the child is getting what they get, but what it is they are actually receiving when they get pushed in or pulled out. For example, a good question to ask is, “I know my child is getting push-in instruction, but what are they doing? What methods are being used?”
- Don’t overuse the “D-Word”: Since it seems that almost no one really knows what dyslexia is and confusion runs rampant with this word, overusing it creates misunderstanding and resistance. (“Wow, what’s that like to be reading upside-down and backward? That must hurt your child’s head.”) Safer to stay with the facts – “My child struggles with reading rate, accuracy and fluency.”
- Get out of the Trunk: Too many parents have put themselves in the backseat of the car or worse, they’re in the trunk. GET YOURSELF IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT! Let common sense prevail. If your “mom gut” (sorry dads) is telling you your child is struggling seek help from a competent tutor as soon as possible. There is no gain in waiting. You don’t need the “D-Word” diagnosis to get help.
Even though there are many other points that can be made, these points should help you get started. Watch for future posts to add to your growing list.
Copyright: Shut-Down Learner
To Contact Dr. Richard Selznick for advice, consultation or other information, email rselznick615@gmail.com.