by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Mar 18, 2011 | Parenting Misc
Is your Parent Over-investment Dial (P.O.I.D.) set too high? Parents are often in pretty deep with their kids’ school work. However, by the time the child has reached middle school the typical message from the teachers is, “Parents – It is time for...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Mar 11, 2011 | Dyslexia/Reading & Learning Disabilities
You know what Robert Frost said, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…” Lately I’ve been explaining issues of struggling children in the metaphor of two roads. About 50 – 60% of the population has a relatively smooth ride...
by Richard Selznick Ph.D. | Sep 24, 2010 | Modern Childhood
Kiera, age 16, has had a rough year in school. After receiving grades of D’s and F’s in most of her major subjects, Kiera’s parents have brought her to a variety of specialists. Different medications were prescribed and tried. "Train the...